Ghost In Cyberia, Cyberjaya

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I don’t know if most of you guys really believe in ghosts, but hear my story out. Some say it is bad if we write about ghost stories, but I think this is something is worth telling as a story. This story happened in 2007, can’t remember the exact date though.

I was staying in Cyberia in Cyberjaya. I stayed there during my foundation days in college, and to be exact I stayed in the block E, something like a townhouse. I had a very nice double bed room beside the open end space where we can hang out outside, and we also can climb up to the other room of the other house (my friends house) as well as other houses, but nah we didn’t do anything bad like that.

It was night time around 3 am, and I was hanging out with my friends during that time, but before I went out (around 11 pm or so), my housemate just bought a Sony video camera, and they wanted to test out the night-vision. So he put it on top of my closet and set it to record, and they left my room empty and they locked it as well. (I forgot whether it is accidentally or on purpose)

About 2 am, one of my housemate just remembered about the camera and tried to take it, but my door was locked. So he had to go to my other friend’s house and go to the room above mine so he can climb down. Luckily my sliding doors have a problem, so it can be opened easily. So he takes the camera and replays it. I was happily hanging out at about 3 in the morning when suddenly I received a phone call from my friend to come back as soon as possible.

When I came back I saw all of them outside of the house, so I asked them “dude what’s the problem la”, and they show me the video. They skip to a part of the recording, and at some point, they saw face of a girl with long hair (actually half a face) beside my bed, going up to the ceiling and disappear shortly after that. I was shocked, and the scariest thing is, it was BESIDE MY BED for God’s sake. Damn, how am I going to sleep that night? I was really scared. One of my housemate can see ghosts and he said that the ghost is still in my room, making the situation a lot worse.

We decided to call my friend who was religious and knows about these things, and he told us that we will not be harmed if we do nothing. He also said do not interact with them as well. Well, easy for him to say.... My 1st night was scary because I always looked outside before I sleep, but thank God nothing happened.

The next day we called the ghost as “kak porn”, beats me why they say that… I survived the whole day after that, not thinking about it anymore. I still remember the face clearly though.

2 comments added:

bluestarstsl said...

hey... seriously? hahaha...
actually cyberia a lot of this 'things' la...
cause at first it was a jungle and we people come and destroyed their 'place'.
i guess i have to write about my friend kena rasuk (possessed) then. hahaahaha...

Anonymous said...

Oi ur d same batch as me wat x kan u x tau kot...yeah2 write about it la damn scary wei for 2 days...her eyes were red...wanted to eat alot and have strength as 5 men...i was there wat...lolz

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