Steamed Dumpling of Fear

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This is rather dumb story that I remembered when watching the anime, GTO (Great Teacher Onizuka). Well here goes…

This is a story I had long time ago from one of my older friends in my gang. It was a warm day, right in the middle of a rainy season. I think it was in Yokohama’s Isezaki neighbourhood. There was a rumour that there is a dumpling shop selling dumplings made out of human meat. The owner of the dumpling shop said that the last person who bought it screamed out loud, but the buyer did not care and still bought the dumpling. Yeah so he bought it…

But…but…When he entered a dark alley, he suddenly felt like there is someone following after him. But when he turns around, there was nobody there. He got scared so he opened his box of dumpling. When he opened it, one of the dumplings is missing! Then he heard a voice saying “in the beginning, just one wasn’t enough”. He was really bothered by that, so at the next corner he opened that box again, and there is one less dumpling again.

So, the guy finally scared and started to rush home. He finally calms down, and opened the box, but this time for some reason, there were suddenly 2 fewer dumplings!! Uwwaaaaa…He was really afraid that he cried out. He closed the lid one more time, and opened it up again. And when he did that… Nothing… Not a single dumpling at all. All of it disappeared.

He became terrified, and when he opened the lid one more time to peek in…He actually realized that all of the dumplings were actually stuck on the top of the box lid.

Lol. XD

Ghost-story Writing

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Some people says that if you write about ghost stories, you are more prone to see things such as ghost, and also other stuff that we can’t see with our own eyes.

Can you prove it? Or am I proving it…

Site Update

Post by:
Sara de Souza

Hello all, I hope you're enjoying the stories thus far!

I apologize as I have not been maintaining the site recently as I have been dealing and fighting with my own ghosts.

They're called... Assignments. SIGH.

Rest assured that I will update as often as I am able, and will maintain the site as usual when my semester is over (which is about a week away). So until then stay tuned!

P.S: The only stories I am getting now is from Purple_carrot. No other contributions, fellas? :(


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I wonder why some people are afraid of clowns. Some of them are really funny, and some of them are really dumb, but until now, they are still afraid of them, even adults! It is called coulrophobia, which means fear of clowns.

I’m going to share my friends experience for this. There is a story about a clown, called “It” the clown. Most of the children developed this phobia mostly because of this movie. Well, for my friend’s case, he got scared until now when he sees a clown, human or statue, he always hide behind me and ask me to go somewhere else. I wonder why?

Until one day, he told me his story. There is one night when he was small, he was having a very nice dream about going to a circus. He saw a very funny clown acting for the audience, but the audience said the clown was a fool. All of a sudden, the clown suddenly snapped. His teeth became bigger like a shark and started to devour the people who had laughed at him and everything fell into havoc. He awoke from his nightmare and thought it was just a dream.

The next day, when he was having his bath, he heard an evil laugh, but he thought it was his sister or brother but no one was home. On the same day when he was having his nap, he had the same dream again, but this time the clown was calling for him but he won’t come. He woke up again, but nothing happened. He also heard a balloon pop a few times in his room when he was studying. Sometimes, when he is alone, he heard the honk from a horn that clowns always use.

The last time he got the same dream, the clown asked him to look below. He woke up again in fear. At first, he didn’t understand what it means, but then he saw a smoke under his bed. He got curious, but at the same time he was scared. So he took his baseball bat with him while peeking underneath his bed. He saw…a clown figure under it, and it always calls out “Come play with me.” He was scared so he smacked the figure into bits, but the sounds kept coming and coming.

The next day, he saw the same figure in his closet, but it got much bigger. He so got scared that he told his parents, and I’m not sure what happen after that…I forgot.

He got freaked out, and every time he sees a clown, he starts to tremble, and he always tries to hide behind people and ask them to protect him. I don’t know what happened since then because I lost contact with him, and I’m not sure if he is still afraid of clowns.

Cinema Ghost

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Ever heard of the movie “Coming Soon”? I guess it was released recently. A couple was watching the midnight movie during a weekday at GSC. They took a couple seat at the corner. There were less people during the weekdays so the hall was quite empty. There were about 11 people only in the cinema.

They were enjoying the movie until the girl wanted to go to the toilet. Normally people will accompany their girl to the toilet, but he was stubborn. It was because he feels like he will miss a part of the movie, so her boyfriend refused to follow the girl so he could watch the whole scene. The girl went to the toilet, alone.

So the boy was relaxing, eating popcorn and stuff, until the girl came back from the toilet. The girl asked him what did she miss, and the boy told her all about it. They were happily chatting and the girl was hugging her boyfriend. The boy felt a bit uncomfortable because he feels like the girl was squishing him. He told her to ease up a little. They ended up holding hands while watching the movie together.

The girl asked her boyfriend if he loves her, and the boy replied that he loved her, and he was about to kiss her. When he turned his head, he saw a long-haired girl with a rotten skull for a face, waiting to be kissed. He was so freaked out that he screamed very loud in the cinema and everybody looked back towards him, but they saw nothing and all of them continued watching the movie. They taught he was having a nightmare because he fell asleep in the cinema.

Without wasting time, the boy quickly rushed to the girl’s toilet and called the girl’s name, worrying about what happened to her. He heard her voice, singing in the toilet, but one of the cubicle door is opened slightly. He was scared, and he called her name out but she never replied and kept on singing. Suddenly she asked the boy to come to the cubicle. He was curious, so he opened it slowly, and guess what he saw…OMG you don’t want to know. Both of them lived "happily ever after"…in the toilet.

Scary right if it is a real story? But don’t worry it is a made-up story after all. But if it is true, I will be freaked out like mad.

Moral of the story:

  • Always go more than 2 people, and don’t choose the side seat.
  • Accompany girls to toilet even though you miss your movie.
  • Pray to god? Yeah ;p

The Room

Post by:
Sara de Souza

I have a relative who can "see" spirits. I came to know about her ability a few years ago when she and her family came over to my house after so long of not seeing each other.

She told me that she has a "girl" following her around. She also explained that she looks like an ordinary person, only she is a bit transparent. "She" did not follow my relative inside the house though, apparently that means that our house is "clean."

My relative told me that she was sitting on the concrete column where the postbox was that night. My brother and a few cousins just came back from somewhere, and my relative noticed that the girl was looking at my brother as they came into the house.

Scary thought, it spooked my brother out when my relative told him.

That night I was supposed to sleep in the guest room with her. But because at that time I had a strong addiction to Ragnarok Online (lol) I was up in my room at about 2am still playing the game. I didn't want to play in the guest room because I didn't want to wake her up. Suddenly she came up to my room, looking really groggy, asking me if I was coming down to sleep anytime soon. I told her I'll finish up and go to sleep. She went back to the room.

Of course, I was hoping that she was fast asleep and continued my game and without realizing it was 4am. She came back up to my room and asked me again if I was going to sleep. She looked like she was clearly bugged by something. I asked her what's wrong.

"I felt something outside the window." she said. And for her to feel spooked out by something even when she has a "girl" following her around, I figured it was something... not very nice.

I turned off my laptop and went back down to sleep in the guestroom with her.

Fortunately for me (and unfortunate for you readers) I did not feel anything when I slept in that room. I think my relative did not sleep the whole night though.

But for the record, I never liked that room anyway. I don't have any form of 6th sense but I always felt like that room is... Weird. And that experience with my relative proved me right.

I will keep you guys posted in any event that something "interesting" comes up.

Also, I would also like to point out that there had been a few occasions that I notice she leaves the seat next to her empty whenever she sits down. She even told me once not to sit with her because "she" was sitting there.

Spooky. I wonder how it's like to have "something" follow you around all the time.


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Well, sunset is a very nice thing to watch right? But my friend said according to Chinese/Buddhist belief is that that when there is a very beautiful sunset (like reddish orange), there will be a bad incident happening somewhere in the world.

One of the incidents that happened was during the incident 9/11; there was a beautiful sunset happening in Malaysia at the same time when the World Trade Center was hit. Is it a coincidence?

Incident at Bidor, Perak 2007

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It was on 8 December 2007, my birthday. At that time my college had a program called “Sunathon” (an event where we had to help with circumcising children) at Bidor, Perak. The area is like a village (kampong) area, and the house is not large and very near the forest. So we were divided to stay with the villagers as “anak angkat” (adopted child), and most of the villager’s sons or daughters were working or studying, so mostly they were alone.

I don’t know how, but I guess it is bad luck because I and another friend got the village chieftain as our adopted parent. Both I and my friend have to sleep in 1 room because the house is not that big. So I and my friend straight away got ready to sleep because tomorrow would be a rough day, so we need plenty of rest.

That night, I receive a lot of calls and SMS from my family and friends due to my birthday. After that, both of us go to sleep. After a while, my friend heard a sound outside the window. He taught it was nothing, or a cat fight, so he resumed his sleep, but after a while he heard the sound again, louder and louder each time! He tried to wake me up a few times, but I was dead tired. So in the end, he can’t sleep well enough.

In the morning, I notice his face was a bit pale, but I thought it is normal after sleep. He also did not say much during the day, and he told me about it during the event itself. He did not have enough sleep because of that incident. Luckily there were no injuries inflicted on any of the children during the circumcision that was done by him.

Ghost In Cyberia, Cyberjaya

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I don’t know if most of you guys really believe in ghosts, but hear my story out. Some say it is bad if we write about ghost stories, but I think this is something is worth telling as a story. This story happened in 2007, can’t remember the exact date though.

I was staying in Cyberia in Cyberjaya. I stayed there during my foundation days in college, and to be exact I stayed in the block E, something like a townhouse. I had a very nice double bed room beside the open end space where we can hang out outside, and we also can climb up to the other room of the other house (my friends house) as well as other houses, but nah we didn’t do anything bad like that.

It was night time around 3 am, and I was hanging out with my friends during that time, but before I went out (around 11 pm or so), my housemate just bought a Sony video camera, and they wanted to test out the night-vision. So he put it on top of my closet and set it to record, and they left my room empty and they locked it as well. (I forgot whether it is accidentally or on purpose)

About 2 am, one of my housemate just remembered about the camera and tried to take it, but my door was locked. So he had to go to my other friend’s house and go to the room above mine so he can climb down. Luckily my sliding doors have a problem, so it can be opened easily. So he takes the camera and replays it. I was happily hanging out at about 3 in the morning when suddenly I received a phone call from my friend to come back as soon as possible.

When I came back I saw all of them outside of the house, so I asked them “dude what’s the problem la”, and they show me the video. They skip to a part of the recording, and at some point, they saw face of a girl with long hair (actually half a face) beside my bed, going up to the ceiling and disappear shortly after that. I was shocked, and the scariest thing is, it was BESIDE MY BED for God’s sake. Damn, how am I going to sleep that night? I was really scared. One of my housemate can see ghosts and he said that the ghost is still in my room, making the situation a lot worse.

We decided to call my friend who was religious and knows about these things, and he told us that we will not be harmed if we do nothing. He also said do not interact with them as well. Well, easy for him to say.... My 1st night was scary because I always looked outside before I sleep, but thank God nothing happened.

The next day we called the ghost as “kak porn”, beats me why they say that… I survived the whole day after that, not thinking about it anymore. I still remember the face clearly though.

Frasers Hill

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My friends and I were in my friends apartment in Frasers Hill. It was sort of like a school trip as a few teachers were also there, though not in the same exact apartment.

Without our teachers knowing, we decided to walk to town to buy liquor one night at around 10pm. There were 10 of us, equal number of boys and girls.

I was walking in front with the boys, all carrying torch lights, while the remaining girls followed close behind us, holding each others hands.

Suddenly the girl on the far left of the group looked towards the girl on the other end and saw something. She got so scared that she whispered it to the friend right next to her. The news traveled up until the girl on the far right, who upon hearing the news, she looked to her right. She saw a pair of boots walking beside her.

She fainted out of shock. That was when me and the boys found out what happened, as we were busy talking and laughing loudly, oblivious to what had been going on behind us.

We quickly walked towards town as we did not dare to turn back. There were not much streetlights on the way back behind us. All of us did not dare to talk to each other till we reached town.

When we finally reached town and decided to go back to the apartment, the girl who was closest to the walking boots was so scared until all the guys had to take turns to carry her.

As soon as we arrived at the apartment, we all went to bed straight away. I however was awake the whole night as I heard this constant knocking sound on the window. I got scared and tried hard to fall asleep.

The next morning when my friend were taking pictures of us, she suddenly at one point looked away and turned off her camera. When we asked her what happened, she said she might have seen something. Nobody seemed to dare to ask to take a look at the photo.

The next day, I decided that since I was the only one who wasn't scared, I thought that I wanted to have a look at what she saw. Unfortunately my friend had deleted that photo, whatever it was.

Ghost Car

Post by:
Nicolas Nathan

My friend Ian and his parents were on the way back from his hometown, Johor Bahru. He was a really fast driver, and seeing as he drove a BMW, I dont blame him.

Halfway back on the North-South Expressway while doing 160 km/h he was flashed by a car. As he was on the right lane, he cut left to allow this car to pass.

He was shocked when he saw that the car that just overtook him was a very very old car, which has been obsolete for nearly 20-30 years. And he noticed, the number plate had been blacked out. By ink or some other method, he did not know. After awhile, he just let the thought pass.

Around 10 minutes later, another car flashed him. Again, he allowed the car to pass.And he got the shit scared out of him when he saw it was the exact same old car, with a blacked out number plate.

He began to panic. Not knowing what else to do, he woke his father up. He told his father what happened, and his father immediately told him to go to the nearest "kawasan rehat" (rest stop) right away. He did as he was told.

When they got there, his father explained about the car he saw. It was apparently a "ghost" car, that caused people to get into accidents and such. The story was that long ago, a pair of criminals stole that car and were being chased by one sole policeman.

The cop managed to stop the car, but the thieves fled the scene. The cop then decided to drive the car back, yet since that incident, no one has heard or seen of him or the car ever again.

Telekom TTDI

Post by:
Sara de Souza

I heard this story regarding a distant relative of mine.

He and someone else, not sure who, was in a car on the way back home. They were at the traffic light in front of the Telekom (now TM) building in Taman Tun Dr Ismail. The building is near SMKTTDI for those of you who are unfamiliar. The traffic light was red.

He looked towards the Telekom building to see someone in white walking down the steps. Since it was 2am, he thought it was weird at first, but dismissed it as a worker working overtime and just decided to go home.

The light turned green and he was starting to get going, when suddenly a woman in white appeared on his windscreen, sprawled, her distorted face pressed against the glass. Her mouth opened wide with sharp teeth gleaming, her red eyes staring hard at him.

He was so shocked that he was sent to the hospital. He was in what seems to be permanent shock and was only able to speak a few words repetitively. I'm not sure happened in the other person in the car though but I figured that's how we got to know about what happened.

When I first heard this story, he was still in hospital. And had been for a few years.

Karak Highway Urban Legend

Post by:
Sara de Souza

This story appears to be famous worldwide as one of the most gruesome highway incidents. whether it involves a ghost, or an actual murderer, no one really knows. This story here was copied from a website (read the source below) based on Malaysia's own Karak Highway. Though I've changed the ending to what I believed happened but the content still stays the same.

It was late at night when a young couple and their baby was traveling in a car along the Karak Highway. They were trying to get home, like the rest of the other Malaysians because it was nearing festive season. And like the many other Malaysians, they choose to travel at night to avoid the traffic jam and also the heat of the sun when noon gets in the way.

As they were traveling along the lonely stretch of Karak Highway, suddenly, the car gave a sudden jerk and started making weird noises. The husband was fairly surprised because he remembered to check the car before traveling long distance to ensure the safety of his family. Soon, they had no choice but to stop by the roadside. The husband got out of the car to check the car engine while his wife and baby was waiting in the car. After a few minutes, he came back and reported that he could not see anything wrong and tried starting the car again. However, the car just would not budge. At loss, the husband made a difficult decision to either wait until another car comes along or walk to the nearest phone booth.

Not wanting to leave his family behind, they waited. After some 20 minutes or so, the highway remained quiet. The husband wondered why was there such calamity on the highway when festive celebrations are just around the corner. Perhaps it was due to the late night, he thought to himself. After what seemed like eternity, the husband decided to take the second option.
Advising his wife to lock the doors and take care, he left them behind with a heavy heart. His wife, on the other hand, watched her husband walk away with worries on her mind. She prayed hard that someone would eventually notice their stalled car and offer help. She was also worried that accidents might happen.

Hours passed by and soon she started getting even more worried. She was worried something might happen to her husband.

Suddenly she saw flashes of blue and red lights. It was coming from a patrol car. Through the rear view mirror she could see a policeman getting out of the car and towards her vehicle. They asked her to step out of the vehicle quietly, and don't look around while she did so.

She got out of the car and walked towards the police car with the man. When she was at a safe distance, she finally looked back towards her car to see the bodiless head of her husband on top of her car. Apparently it had been banged against the roof of her car but she did not notice.


There are a lot of rumors why Karak Highway is very haunted. Some people claim that it's because there's a lot of accidents and deaths. Others believe that a certain stretch of Karak Highway was built over an old cemetary or an old plot of land that was already haunted to begin with.

A friend of mine who has contributed the last two posts, Michi, said that the reason why these ghosts are so agressive is because they're angry spirits. Apparently what made them angry was the tow-truck people.

Normally they are one of the first to arrive at an accident scene (of course accidents do happen on normal circumstances). When there are deaths at the scene, they would "do things" to the spirits in order to do "business" so they can earn money or get rich. (I'm thinking maybe they get them to produce a winning 4D number?)

But at the same time, what the tow-truck people are doing is like putting salt or lime juice on an open wound to them. That is his belief on why the place is aggresively haunted and like to attack people whenever they can.

Anybody else have any contributions to this urban legend?

Wangsa Maju

Post added by:
Michi Kinokawa

This happened when I was 18. At that time I lived with my dad and my step mom. One day, my dad and his family went back to Kedah during holiday. I was in charge of taking care of the house while he is away.

So one night my best friend Daniel came to my house. I was training Counterstrike for the upcoming tournament while he was watching me. We decided to overnight at my place as it was getting late.

At 1 or 2am, Daniel said that he heard a knocking outside my window, which didn't make any sense because we were on the 3rd floor. I figured maybe it was the kids that were actually outside our house at that time throwing stones at our window.

I continued with my training.

After a while, Daniel said he heard that sound. He asked me, "Wei, ko dengar tak ape yang aku dengar tu? Orang ketuk tingkap bilik ko la~" (Hey, do you hear that? There's someone knocking on the window of your bedroom)

I told him not to worry about it, and that it's the kids that is making that sound. He took my advice and seemed calm, but he sat closer to me.

After that, he heard the sound again.

What I've been told by my dad, once "something" comes to 3 times, I'd better get out from the house. Moreover out of nowhere the room become very humid even though the rain just stopped for a few hours before.

I decided not to tell Daniel and just keep quiet and tried to change topics. I said to him why don't we go yum cha (drink tea) outside at a Mamak nearby. I want to take a walk. So he followed me.

While we were walking to the nearest Mamak which is called BRJ located at Wangsa Maju section 2, my eyes cant stop staring him.

Actually, I was staring at the person that was walking beside him.

After a while, Daniel noticed that I was looking a lot at his direction so he became scared and asked "wei apsal ko usha smacam je? aku rasa lain mcm je la~" (hey why are you checking me out like one sort? I feel weird.)

I pat him on his back as a form of reassurance and told him it was nothing.

Along the way to the Mamak, I kept staring at the person who seems to be a girl.

I don't know who the girl is, but I know what she is. And I already know that the girl want to "tease" Daniel.

She's a ghost. I forgot to mention earlier that I can see spirits, hence the reason why Daniel did not notice her as we walked.

While walking, we passed by the Wangsa Maju Section 2 secondary school backyard. The atmosphere was eerie. And I can see "something" waving at me inside the school workshop.

Soon we reach the mamak. Both of us ordered kopi o' panas (hot coffee) and started talking about other topics.

Suddenly he asked me something. He asked why while walking from my house till the mamak I looked weird, and my face looked ridden with fear.

Because the mamak was full of people, I felt comfortable with telling him what I saw. So I told him. He was shocked. And he said it was no wonder he got goosebumps all the way from my house.

I told him that actually the person is a girl and she wanted to walk along with him. His face turned pale. I patted him on the back and told him that she's not around him anymore. He cooled down and continued drinking his coffee.

Suddenly there was a sharp drop in temperature, you can feel the chill right to the bone. And then the girl appeared behind him. So I decided to start talking to her, normally. So Daniel heard me and asked me who I was talking to. I told him that the girl was back.

I told the girl to leave Daniel alone, it's not like we did anything wrong to the girl.

She started to cry. I tried to convince the girl to leave Daniel alone, and she started to get mad. She started yelling out loud. Tears started leaking from my eyes because her screams were so high-pitched. I was also terrified because it was so loud. In Malay we call it "nyaring". (not sure what the English translation is)

Suddenly I saw the girl flying back on top of the school roof, which was around 200 meters away from where we are.

Thinking that it was over, we continued chat. But while we were talking, I still kept staring at her because she kept flying from left to right, right to left.

I finally told the girl for the last time to leave him alone. Daniel is of a different religion, and he doesn't know how to get rid of these kind.

The girl finally got pissed, flew towards me and sat on my lap

I couldn't breathe properly, she was putting pressure on my chest. I couldn't move my whole body, not even my head. I was paralyzed! I only managed to talk.

At first Daniel thought I was making fun of him. I told him repeatedly that I couldn't breathe and that she was sitting on top of me.

He didn't believe me, so he decided to try to pull me off the chair that I was sitting on. He couldn't. Others at the mamak witnessed the scene clearly. He then asked a few other customers to help me, be even with two people, they could not lift me.

I remembered a charm my dad taught me so I started reciting it and the chair nearby started to shake and fall.

She finally released me, crying.

Before she left, I asked her "what makes you want to disturb my friend?"

She said she's lonely and her parents when she was alive never took care of her, they didn't even bother that she was ill, and she died of sickness.

And they did not do tasks that were compulsory during a Muslim funeral, like reading Yassin to her. (holy words)

After that I realized why she behaved like that. She just wanted to be accompanied, because her soul is not at peace.

Soon after that, I went back to my house along with my friend. My house smelled strongly of flowers.

And on my bed, waiting for us, we found a stalk of Jasmine.

Red MCKK Train

Post sent in by:
Michi Kinokawa

This happened in MCKK (Malay College Kuala Kangsar) Now there's rumors that the hostel inside the college been painted in red after the incident happened when i was in standard 3.

My school did a tour for a motivation session. There were 20+ students including me. We stayed in that hostel for 3 days and 2 nights.

On the first day, we felt like it was fun to learn about this old town in the middle of Kuala Kangsar town. So at night after me and one of my friend didn't feel like we wanted to go to sleep early after we had our dinner. We walked towards a tennis court which was about 100 feet away from the dorm. We sat near there and we were busy complaining about school. I just joined a choir at that time so that was the topic of our conversation.

After few hours of talking and laughing, suddenly there was a sharp drop in temperature which caused both of us to get goosebumps. We felt that it was weird so we decided to continue talking in front of our dorm.

So we reached the dorm. His room was just beside my room, which is the door facing the tennis court.

Then as we were talking, we saw 2 people walking towards the tennis court holding a tennis bag. We watch them play from afar and they're pretty good at it. After a while we decided to watch them closer. But once we got to the tennis court, we saw nothing! They disappeared. We figured maybe we were just hallucinating because it was 1am and we were sleepy, our eyes were blurry. We went back to our dorms thinking that they had already left.

While we were talking again, we saw that the same two people kept playing tennis, uninterrupted. Then this time we ran towards the court to watch it closer... And once we reached there again, there was nobody there. They disappeared like a wisp of smoke. We only saw the ball drop and bounce on the floor.

We both got freaked out and went to our dorm and slept.

The next day, both of us went to the teachers office and told them what we saw that night. They thought we were bluffing them. But the principal of the college found out about what we said and told us that actually what we saw that night were they are the best tennis players in that college. I felt a bit relieved at this news, but it was cut short when he announced to us that those two students had died a long time ago.

Rumors had been told that both of them commited suicide because parents won't let them get involved in sports.

On the 2nd night, both of us afraid to go far from our dorm. We were still staying up late as usual and minding our own business.

Suddenly at around 2am, my friend muttered something weird. Something about leaving the place. Leaving the parents and everything. I was shocked with the sudden confession, and at the same time he cried a lot.

So after I gave him advice, we decided to sleep. His room is right next door. We were about to go into our rooms when suddenly out of nowhere, there was this bright red blinding light. I even heard the sound of a train coming towards us. I was paralyzed with fear, I stood rooted to the spot. There was a train in front of the dorm and it stopped right in front of us!

My friend walked closer to it to probably have a look, while glancing at me. The door opened and the red light blinded my vision completely.

The train was not a normal train, it was probably used to transport heavy materials of some sort.

Soon after that, the train just disappeared. Of course, us being 9-year-olds, we didn't think it was something out of the ordinary. I was going to talk to my friend about it but I noticed that he disappeared. He went missing out of nowhere.

That night I woke up a few people to help search from him. The search lasted till morning. Even the press and police came.

It was amidst that chaotic time that we found out that during the Japanese occupation, the area we were standing on was a railroad, and the trains that used to come by here were Japanese-owned. The exact spot that we saw the train, there used to be train tracks.

Even until now, my friend is still listed as missing, 15 years later. And apparently now that hostel has been painted red and is off-limits to anybody.

Ulek Mayang

Post written by:
Nicolas Nathan

Apparently singing a song at a beach at night will lure out spirits of fishermen that were lost or died at sea. The song is called Ulek Mayang and its origins hails from Terengganu.

Additions by:
Sara de Souza

Apparently the song is a pre-Islamic religious trance dance accompanied by singing and music in Terengganu, originating from an unknown nearby island in which the Malay orchestra, comprising drums, gong, violin and accordian is used. (Shafiee Ahmad 1992)

It's said that the song itself is an old spell. And according to another source, it originally is "a healing ceremonial dance to restore the spirits of the fisherfolks who were possessed by the sea spirit."

Today, the song is popular known as a Malay/Terengganu traditional dance song, where he dancing always begins with a person who is suffering from illness either when he catches fish, in the paddy field or any other daily activities in the society.

The patient will then healed by a bomoh, a traditional Malay doctor in the traditional way. Seven actors beautifully dressed represent the 7 princesses who come to visit the patient when the bomoh is treating him. Kemayan will be burnt together with chanting of pantun and dancing through the whole performance. Sometimes the rebab and seruling are also used to accompany the singing which is in the form of rhymes and poem.

The following are the lyrics to the song, where the last paragraph has been cut off out of the song in the modern rendition of it. That's because the last paragraph contains the spell that is supposedly able to call out spirits.

Ulek mayang ku ulek
Ulek dengan jala jemala
Ulek mayang diulek
Ulek dengan tuannya puteri
Ulek mayang diulek
Ulek dengan jala jemala
Ulek mayang diulek
Ulek dengan puterinya dua

Puteri dua berbaju serong
Puteri dua bersanggol sendeng
Puteri dua bersubang gading
Puteri dua berselendang kuning
Umbok mayang diumbok
Umbok dengan jala jemala
Nok ulek mayang diulek
Ulek dengan puterinya empat

Puteri empat berbaju serong
Puteri empat bersanggol sendeng
Puteri empat bersubang gading
Puteri empat berselendang kuning
Umbok mayang diumbok
Umbok dengan jala jemala
Nok ulek mayang diulek
Ulek dengan puterinya enam

Puteri enam berbaju serong
Puteri enam bersanggol sendeng
Puteri enam bersubang gading
Puteri enam berselendang kuning
Umbok mayang diumbok
Umbok dengan jala jemala
Nok ulek mayang diulek
Ulek dengan puterinya tujuh

Puteri tujuh berbaju serong
Puteri tujuh bersanggol sendeng
Puteri tujuh bersubang gading
Puteri tujuh berselendang kuning
Umbok mayang diumbok
Umbok dengan jala jemala
Nok ulek mayang diulek
Ulek dengan tuannya puteri

Tuan puteri berbaju serong
Tuan puteri bersanggol sendeng
Tuan puteri bersubang gading
Tuan puteri berselendang kuning
Umbok mayang diumbok
Umbok dengan jala jemala
Nok ulek mayang diulek
Ulek dengan tuannya puteri

Umbok mayang diumbok
Umbok dengan jala jemala
ulek mayang diulek
Ulek dengan tuannya puteri

Ku tahu asal usul mu
Yang laut balik ke laut
Yang darat balik ke darat
Nasi berwarna hamba sembahkan
Umbok mayang ku umbok
Umbok dengan jala jemala
Pulih mayang ku pulih
Pulih balik sedia kala

Referenced from:

Hung Up

Story told by:
Sara de Souza

I heard this following story from a friend of mine.

"This happened one night while I was sleeping. A loud piercing scream was coming from my brothers room. I quickly got out of my bed, took my tennis racket to use as a weapon in case anything happened, and slowly opened my door. I saw nothing. I quickly opened my brother's room door, which was just opposite mine and looked in.

At that moment my parents too were already standing there in his room. We saw my brother looking up, eyes wide open with fear and sweating profusely. My mother quickly went to comfort him and asked what was wrong.

All he said was, "there's a man hanging from my fan."

Of course, by the time we got there, there was nothing indicating there was anything else in the room other than him.

He slept in my room that night. That is, if he did get any sleep that night. I wouldn't know, I slept like a rock haha. Took him months to be able to go back to sleep in his own room. Even then, he sleeps with the light on even until now."

Site Announcement

Post by: Sara de Souza

I've added a star-rating system at the bottom of each post, so feel free to leave feedback using this system :D

Thank you!

The Third Eye

Post written by:
Nicolas Nathan

Here's another popular Chinese myth.

To open a persons third eye, there are many methods. Going to a medium for help, for instance.

But if u want a quick way, rub dog's tears (apparently stray dogs work more effectively, as they "see" more) onto your eyes and go to bed. The next day, you'll see more people than you usually do.

Can your prove it?

Bending Over Backwards

Post written by:
Nicolas Nathan

Here is a Chinese myth for you.

Apparently if u go to an abandoned building or forest area and wish to "see something",
you go to a wide area and bend over, looking between your legs to see what's behind you.

Can you prove it?

Site Announcement

Site announcement post by Sara de Souza

Hope you guys enjoyed our stories so far :D

Just a friendly reminder to our readers, if you have any questions regarding any of our specific posts, don't be scared (lol pun not intended) and ask questions using our comment function.

Also, if you have any ghost stories you'd like to share, you can e-mail us!

Happy reading!

Behind The Door

Story told by:
Sara de Souza

This happened on the 12th of January 2009, early morning at about 4am. I know the date because at that time I was talking to Nick on MSN and we both had our webcams on. I had to refer to chat logs to remember exactly what happened.

I was lying down on my bed in my room while using the laptop. We started talking about general stuff when suddenly I heard a tapping outside my door. Thinking maybe it was one of my cats, I continued talking to him normally. But it happened too many times that after a while I got scared. I got up to my door to listen to what's outside, and I heard it again. I got scared because I felt something funny, not a cat or any of my family members, was outside the door. I stepped away from the door and got back into my bed, pulling the covers over me. I told Nick about what I heard.

After a few minutes, I heard a heaving sound. Then I heard a bone creak moments after that, similar to when someone gets up from sitting, sometimes you can hear a bone creak. Just like that. Then I heard shuffling of paper and plastic. Then it sounded like someone is breathing very heavily and deep, like a man maybe?

The thing is, I was sure that it was not a robber because we have a balcony on that floor, but if someone was to break in, he had to slide the grill door and open the sliding door. These two make extremely loud noises and yet I did not hear any of them.

And the "robber" could have not come from downstairs because my room is next to the staircase, I would be able to hear footsteps. Yet I heard nothing that indicated that someone or something went up to my floor.

So, it led me to think that whatever it was, it wasn't living.

Throughout this whole time I was talking to Nick on MSN and he was talking to me about ghosts to try to reassure me that nothing bad will happen. He told me that from his research, "they" just want to catch my attention or something like that. It helped a lot because then I decided to just stay put and ride it all out.

Then suddenly I heard a loud creak outside my bathroom window. Fear hit me because I normally keep my bathroom window closed because bugs were getting in all the time. But recently at that time I had my bathroom fixed because a pipe was leaking. So the contractors left it wide, wide open. And the grills are big, enough for a small person to slip in. So now I got even more confused and scared, not sure what it was now, but something definitely was in my bathroom.

A few minutes later I heard heavy breathing in my bathroom, which is just three steps away from where I was. The door was closed, thank god, and I felt like if I stared hard at the door, I feared that it would just fling open and whatever it was decided to reveal itself. This whole time I kept my eyes glued to the computer monitor and tried to keep calm. The breathing was on and off for about 10-15 minutes. But it was definitely noticeable. I heard bone creaks as well, similar to the one I heard outside previously. By now nothing was making noises outside my room, but the sounds in my bathroom were continuing.

Suddenly Nick noticed my webcam was getting darker. And it was.

And after 10 minutes, while the noises was still going on in the bathroom, Nick's webcam suddenly turned pitch-black even though he did not touch anything. And my webcam was getting darker and darker.

I almost had enough and by now I had pulled the covers over my head, praying that it will stop. I tried to keep myself busy by changing the topic away from ghosts to something less scary.

Eventually the noises stopped. The whole ordeal lasted an hour. But his webcam remained black even until we both decided to sign out of MSN and get some sleep.

I slept at sunrise that morning.

The next morning, I told my mom about what I heard. She and my dad were genuinely scared, and asked me to move downstairs into the guest room. (I live on the 3rd floor, we have a 2 and a half-storey house)

But the thing is, I am scared of the guest room because of an experience that happened a few months before that.

But I will leave that for another entry on another day.

Innocent Children?

Post written by:
Nicolas Nathan

I don't know about other religions, but it seems that in Christianity and Islam, children go to heaven. They are counted as pure an innocent, and that's why they're allowed into heaven automatically.

Yet, we hear so many ghost stories of children, babies and so on.

Anyone care to answer why?

Comments added by
Sara de Souza @ 22nd April 2009

We received replies on this issue from several people through the chatbox:

Answer @ 21 Apr 09, 19:55:

"the answer for the children ghost is maybe because they got murdered and they want to get revenge"

Guest @ 21 Apr 09, 20:59:
"Well maybe about the babies being ghosts, its probably because in malay dark magic, fetuses are dug from graves and pickled into bottles or dried and made into amulets. Then, the bomoh would usually conjure up the spirit of the fetus in order to do their bidding, these 'babies' would usually be given sacrifices as a form of exchange. This is what i heard, its still refutable."

DudeWho'llBeKnownAsDude @ 22 Apr 09, 14:59:
"hey nathan, bout the innocent children, muslim do believe innocent children and babies will go to eaven but to us, ghost is just jin (dont know how to translate it to english but ya know what I mean, right?) and its not dead spirit or anythin. so thats my answer lah"

Thank you for your contributions! We appreciate more theories on this topic of you have any =)

Old Sungai Penchala House

Story told by:
Nicolas Nathan

My friends and I were out ghost hunting again sometime last year. We were visiting this really run-down house deep within the Sungai Penchala area. The roads were really narrow and the were trees all around us, typical of a kampung/rural area.

When we got there we parked our cars and got out. I had two friends in my car, whom I'll name A and B.

There were 4 more people in the other car whom I'm not really familiar with. But since they were ghost hunters and, A's friends, I thought everything would be okay.

I was wrong.

They were a complete bunch of idiots.

Well, when we got out of the car, we started looking for a way to go into the house. However, we couldn't find any. The gates and walls were just too high. On our right was a steep hill.

Feeling bored, one of those idiots started throwing rocks into the forest. The moment I saw that, immediately started praying "Please don't let anything happen."

Suddenly we heard a faint scream coming from somewhere in the forest. When he first heard it, we immediately froze. All of us looked at each other and kept ourselves focused. We were all hoping it was just our imagination.

There was another scream, this time much louder and more audible. It was as if the person, or whatever it was, was near us. The scream was followed by the sound of dogs barking really loudly. And really ferociously.

All of us jumped into the cars and quickly drove off as fast as we could.

Taman Zaaba Tree

Story told by:
Nicolas Nathan

Like it says in the title, this happened in Taman Zaaba in Taman Tun Dr Ismail. My friend and I were supposed to meet there one night because we wanted to do some basketball training. I was running a lil late, so I was jogging down the road and taking a shortcut. As i was approaching the park, I saw my friend running towards me at full speed.

He was shouting "Wei Nick lari cepat! Ciao wei!!!" (Nick! Run! Get out of here!)

I got scared and immediately turned and started running too, back towards our school which was SMKTTDI.

When we reached the school area, we sat down, catching our breath.

I asked him "Weih apesal tadi??" (What happened just now??)
He replied "Nanti aku cakap.. Cepat balik rumah aku dulu wei.." (I'll tell you later.. Let's go back to my house first..)

So I got the hint and we started walking towards his house.

About 10 minutes later when we reached his house, he told me what happened.

He arrived at the park earlier than me. He was shooting some hoops while waiting for me to arrive. Then he decided to take a rest, so he sat down on a bench that was near a really big tree that's right next to the court. And all of a sudden he heard a cough. It was coming above him.

He looked up and he saw a man, dangling by his feet by a rope tied to the top of the tree. His tongue was hanging out and he was smiling widely at him.

Cheras Hospital

Story told by:
Nicolas Nathan

Me and 5 friends finally dared to enter the abandoned Cheras hospital one night after several visits. At first, it was really creepy but the we soon got used to the darkness. There were a lot of letters and boxes scattered everywhere outside the hospital but we didn't dare pick up any.

We entered by climbing in one of the windows on the ground floor. We got out our torch lights and started walking along the hallway. It was a really long hallway, but we didn't dare go all the way to the end of it. The security quarters were around that side of the building.

As we were slowly walking through, we peered into the rooms we passed by. All of them had one thing in common - a wooden chair facing the door. And it seemed like all the rooms was like that. But being "brave" heroes, we didn't dare enter any of the rooms or sit on the chairs.

When we reached the middle of the hallway, it split into 3 more hallways. On our left were the toilets and some storage rooms. Ahead of us, more wards but it was too close to the security quarters so we didn't think about walking any further. And to the right, several more wards but the floor was demolished so we couldn't pass through.

So we decided to be idiots and entered the toilet, turned off our torch lights and see what happens.

Unfortunate for us, nothing happened. We left the toilet mildly disappointed.

We went ahead and checked out the storage room. We found many jars containing test tubes with really weird things inside. Can't tell for sure what was in those test tubes, but it sure looked weird. And whether this is relevant or not, all the test tubes seemed to be facing the same direction: towards the wall on our right.

After a while of exploring, it got pretty boring as we didn't see, hear or even smell anything. So we decided to leave.

The moment we climbed out the window, one of my friends suddenly shone his torchlight straight ahead and looked like he saw something.

It was a banana tree. We didn't think it was anything out of the ordinary, but my friend then squinted his eyes to see better. Then he started pointing at the tree.

We all know better to never acknowledge "it" if we're experiencing something, may it be any sense in our body. He did not.

So being curious idiots ourselves, we looked in the same direction that he was looking at. There was something silver, square and small rested in the middle of the banana tree's trunk! Probably the size of a matchbox. But it was definitely silver because it was able to reflect our torch lights.

After seeing that, I immediately announced "Okay, lets go yum cha" (our code to get the hell out of there!)

We all quickly got in my car. As I started my engine, my phone which at that time was a Nokia 6600, started vibrating because it was in silent mode. I took it out and saw my friends mom calling me. "Odd..." I thought.

But the other odd thing about the situation was, my phone was actually ringing even when it was switched to silent mode! And it was following the tempo of the vibration, like it was saying something. It was not clear, but I the closest I could put it is: "Read me"

I held my phone out in my hand and all my friends were staring at it while it was still ringing. Then one asked, "Is it on silent??"
I replied "Yeah."
"Oh shit...."
Then, the call ended.

Right after, someone else called but this time it was vibrating, silently. Like normal.

And that was the night I drove the fastest in my life.


Story told by:
Sara de Souza

A friend of mine told me this story back in 2001. The origins of this story is unknown, so I can't have any confirmation whether or not this was true. But even still, it was a very chilling story that still spooks me to this day.

Apparently this happened in a boarding school in the Klang Valley.

It was late at night and lights were out hours ago. A girl, whom I will name Lina, wanted to use the toilet but was too afraid to go alone because it was dark. So she got her friend, who I will name Mariam, to follow her. The toilet was one or two levels below their room floor.

Because I'm guessing it is an old block, it was not well-maintained and the lights were not working well. Only the moonlight provided just enough light to see. All the toilets were the squatting-type. And all the locks on the doors were busted, so Lina asked Mariam to stand watch in front of the door in case anyone else comes into the toilet. This was to prevent anyone opening her cubicle while she was inside.

So in Lina went and closed the door behind her, with Mariam leaning against the wall opposite the door. Then she started to sing "Cindai", a popular song sung by Siti Nurhaliza out of boredom.

A few minutes passed by and Mariam started to get worried because there was absolute silence.

"Lina? Lina ada apa-apa tak?" (Lina? Are you okay?)

A few seconds after that, the door opened slightly. Mariam breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Lina was just about done. "Haii, apa la Lina nih, menakutkan Yam ajer." (Geez Lina, you scared me)

But even that, the door did not open fully nor did Lina make any sound. Mariam started to get even more worried.

"Lina? Lina?" She called out. Nothing. So she took a step front and pushed the door open.

She saw Lina sprawled on the floor in a pool of blood, her head pulled back, her dead eyes meeting hers. One of her leg was in the toilet hole. And there was something about her body, like it was deflated. Like she had no bones in her.

Mariam screamed bloody murder and ran out of the toilet. She went and looked for the Ustaz, a male religious teacher. They came back with a few other school staff to see the gruesome sight.

The Ustaz tried to pull out Lina's leg from the hole but it was stuck - like something on the other end is hanging onto it. After so long of trying, they decided they have to cut it loose. A staff brought a small hand saw from the workshop and cut her foot off.

After examining the body further, they realized that in fact she had no bone left in her body except for head. How that happened was unexplainable.

The next morning the workers cleaned all the toilets in search for an answer, but there was none. The Ustaz said a few prayers under his breath but they decided to lock that toilet for good.

I heard that the lagu Cindai itself has something spooky going on with it. Apparently Siti Nurhaliza herself had some weird things happen in the studio during the recording of this song. Unexplainable background noises went on even when sound technicians confirmed that there was nothing else in the whole studio that could cause that. And I heard somewhere that the lagu Cindai had some kind of eerie history, past or message behind it, but I'm not sure anymore.

The story may or may not be true, unfortunately nobody can help verify it for me, but I know for sure I'm careful I don't sing that song especially at night.


Footnote added 20th April 2009: I just found out that "Cindai" also means "Pontianak" or "Banshee." Maybe that's why people feel weird when singing it?

Ball and Chain

Story told by:
Sara de Souza

Yet another story told by my mother.

She's grew up in Muar, Johor. That house has a concrete base and the rest is made up of wooden planks (but nicely done).

She told me that when she was young, she used to sleep in the common room i think. And every Muslim fasting month, she could hear someone pacing up and down outside the window on the concrete pathway. It sounded as if that someone had a ball and chain strapped to his leg, like what prisoners would wear. She could clearly hear the sound: Clank clank clank.

I think only she and another sibling could hear it. The others did not. She said she could not see anything outside while the sound continued.

Sometimes instead of a ball and chain, she could hear someone walking up and down with heavy boots - similar to those that WWII Japanese soldiers wore.

It was because apparently during WWII, Japanese soldiers were captured, killed and mass-buried in an old well and covered in soil. And that well sits right behind the house. But now it can't be seen much because the soil had levelled. You can only see a slight hump in the ground.

My Name Is Siti

Story told by:
Sara de Souza

I have a grandaunt staying with my family. She's stayed with my family even before I, the first child, was born. She used to be mean to me and my brothers when we were little by scaring us with ghost-stories, but little did I know that she herself has her own experiences with these things.

I only found out recently that she had three female spirits hanging around her. She says she can't see them but she can "feel" them because they like to bug her. She herself has a powerful intuition about these things. Apparently these spirits have been hanging around her even since my mom was young.

Even my grandmother, my mom's mother, who can sense spirits, told my mom that my grandaunt has three spirits hanging around her. She also specifically told her their names, and each of their first name starts with "Siti" (sorry even my mom can't remember their full names)

Of course, my mom did not believe it. Even until about almost two decades ago when a friend of hers visited the house.

Her friend can actually see spirits, and one day he came to the house to discuss business or something or other, and he casually met my grandaunt.

The next time he met with my mom, he told her "I'm going to tell you this but don't panic, okay? When I met with your aunt, I saw three female spirits with her."

At this point, she was a bit spooked because it was too much of a coincidence, but later on she dismissed it. She even told herself that, maybe even out loud, that these spirits do not exist. And that was a turning point for a scary event about to unfold.

This happened when I was between 4 or 5 years old. I'm not sure.

My mom came home from work at about 7pm. At that time it was already starting to get a bit dark, with a hint of light. She saw the front door open and the lights weren't even turned on. She felt panic but she braved it and went inside the house.

She saw my brother, who was about 2 or 3 years old, crying hysterically and crawling in circles. The maid was in the kitchen (you can see part of the kitchen from the front door) and she stood there, awfully quiet. She was carrying my youngest brother, who was maybe barely a year old or a bit less. It was clear on the look on her face that she was scared or spooked about something.

My mom asked her to come to the front but she just shook her head furiously, rooted to the spot. By now my mom was very angry that she couldn't do a simple thing like come to the front, but that anger was mixed with a strong fear as to not knowing what was going on.

Frustrated, my mom took a glance around the room to see that my grandaunt was sitting in this big red armchair that we have in the living room at that time. Her face was facing away from her, and she was eerily quiet.

But my mom noticed that she looked different. She could see, even when it's sundown, that she has much darker skin and that her hair was jet-black. (my grandaunt has gray hair)

So my mom felt creeped out and hastily grabbed my brother who was crawling in circles near her.

But trying to rationalize what was going on, she asked my grandaunt in the most calm voice she could muster, "Mek Dah, ada apa-apa ker?" (Mek Dah, is there anything wrong?)

Suddenly my grandaunt's head turned sharply and looked at my mom.

My mom described her face as long-ish, longer than normally what my grandaunt would look like (she has a round or square-ish face). Her skin colour is so much darker.

And she looked fiercly angry.

She grabbed hold of the armchair's arms, even with her still on it, and she began thumping the armchair up and down. Not even my dad, standing on his two feet, can do something like that! The armchair is way too heavy!

While she was doing this, she screamed "Nama aku Siti lah! Siti!!!" (My name is Siti! Siti!!!)

She quickly stopped and got out of the chair and walked towards my mother in a weird manner. It was more like she was hunched and her body turned in one direction with every step she took. She finally was near my mother and she gave her an ugly, concentrated stare. My mom was so shocked that she couldn't even move.

Then my grandaunt, or Siti, went back to the chair, sat down and passed out.

After about 30 seconds, she awoke and her face was back to normal. She looked at my mom and said "Eh, Sila dah balik?" (Eh? You're back home?)

I guess the reason why this incident happened was because the spirits heard her say that she did not believe in them, so they decided to "show" her.

Ria Apartment Ghost

Story told by:
Nicolas Nathan

The following is a story that was relayed to me by a friend told me this story. It happened in Ria Apartments in Genting Highlands.

It was late at night, and he and his friends wanted to race to their room by taking the stairs
they were staying in the 17th floor. But my friend, who was really tired (or scared, not sure) decided to take the lift.

Halfway up, the lift stopped and the doors opened, but there didn't seem to be anyone out there. As soon as my friend wanted to hit the "close" button, someone walked in. However, this guy gave my friend, who I'll name A, the goosebumps.

He walked into the lift backwards.

It may seem like something an idiot would pull off, but that was definitely weird and freaky. A decided to brush it off, so he kept his cool.

After going up 3 more floors, the lift stopped again. 2 girls were standing at the door, and as soon as the door opened, their mouths opened in shock. The man who walked backward, now walked normally out and into the hallway.

The girls continued staring at that man, and after awhile when the man was gone, A asked "Er excuse me? are u coming in?"

The girls quickly nodded and stepped into the lift, quickly hitting the button to their floor
as soon as the lift started moving again, one of the girls asked A "did u see that man just now?"
A : yes i did, why? he was weird is it? *chuckle*
Girl : ...actually. I dont think he was a man.
A : Huh?
Girl : ...He had no face


footnote: apparently a ghost with no face is supposedly a murderer in his or her previous living life.

Deal With The Dead

Story told by:
Nicolas Nathan

A man was greedy and desperate. He wanted to be rich quick, so he resorted to help from "the other side". He summoned a pontianak (widely known as a female vampire) through certain methods and asked to win the upcoming lottery. The pontianak agreed with a measly payment, that she be offered 7 watermelons of different shapes, sizes and weight by the evening of him winning the lottery.

Sure enough, the following day he struck first prize. As promised, he brought the offerings to her later that evening. When she was done, she asked him to please take the watermelons away and dispose of them properly. But, being a little drunk (as he was having a celebration drinking session with his buddies), he just said "Fuck it, just leave it there for all I care".

Then, he left. As he was driving home (which was around 20 minutes away) a sudden wave of fatigue hit him, and he knew he'd get into an accident if he continued driving. So he parked by the side of the road and went to sleep.

Early the next morning, he woke up to the sound of his hand phone ringing. It was the police. Apparently there was a murder in his house. He quickly rushed home.
What he saw was clearly horrifying. There, lying on his bed was his wife, 2 children, parents in-law, father and uncle dead, with their heads rotated 180 degrees. All 7 of them.

A week later, he was found trying to destroy a tomb in a cemetery. He was caught and brought to a mental institute for rehabilitation.

And the moral of the story is: do not resort to help from the dead.

Old Broom

Story told by:
Nicolas Nathan

Take an old broomstick, the one that's ends are made of sticks. Now, place it in a dark corner of a room in an abandoned house, or by a tree in a dark park. Pee on it. The outcomes I've heard of so far are that the broom comes alive and beats the offender to death, or "something" appears.

Can you prove it?

Not For Sale

Story told by:
Sara de Souza; blog owner


My parents told me and my brothers about their scary experience when we were in the car one evening while they were going to do their grocery shopping.

It was many years ago when I was still a toddler (I think I was about a year old, I am now turning 22 this year). My parents wanted to buy a property for the intention of leasing it out in the Petaling Jaya area. It was a corner lot at the end of a dead-end road, and right next to it was a small abandoned lot that had one of those small red Chinese prayer houses.

Upon first entering the house, my parents felt like the house "felt" funny. They felt uneasy but it was their rational decision that make them steadfast about wanting to buy the property. So they decided to think about it further, and my mom decided to consult my uncle, her half-brother. He was quite knowledgeable about "these" things and my mom wanted to know if the house was "clean" or appropriate to buy. So a few days after that they brought him to the house in Petaling Jaya where he said a few prayers. While that, he buried some sharp metal shards in the yard. After that was done, he announced that he will know the answer in his sleep that night.

So my parents and my uncle went back to my house. My uncle slept downstairs in the living room while my parents were about to nod off to sleep in their own room.

Suddenly the windows that were so hard to open before because of the structure of it, shut closed together with the toilet bathroom's door. This jolted both my parents from near-slumber and the hairs on my mom's arms started to stand on its own. Before my parents could fully react to what was going on, they heard me crying in my room. They described my crying was like as if something was choking me, making me scream in a gurgled manner.

They ran to my room, fearing the worst. When they got to me, they said I looked fine, although my face seemed red from all that crying. They cradled me in their arms and got out of the room to see the living room's light was on. My uncle was awake.

My parents, flabbergasted and scared, asked him about what was happening. He seemed calm and asked them to keep silent for a moment. He chanted a few prayers underneath his breath. He then told them to go back to sleep, he will discuss it in the morning.

The next morning after a sleepless night, my uncle finally told my parents what had happened.

He said that a Jin came into his dream and he was ripping tiger skins apart. He was very built with a large torso, and he didn't seem at all friendly. And he looked angry.

The Jin, in my uncle's dream, told him to leave the property alone because it was his house. So my parents decided not to buy the property in the end.

And I don't know if this incident is related or not, but after that I seemed to have a fancy towards knives and blades. When I was 2 or 3, I crawled into my mom's cupboard with a pair of really sharp fabric scissors made out of metal and shut the door behind me. After hours of searching for me, my mom opened her cupboard door to see the whole of the inside smeared with blood and me holding the scissors in my hand.

After that, through years 4-12 I always managed to get a hold of anything sharp, and each time I always cut myself. There was so many times I did that with butter knives (I hid in my toy house with a butter knife) and I remember clearly once with my dad's shaving razor. I scraped it across the outstretched palm of my hand until it bled. Yeah, my childhood was full of bandages.

I'm glad that all that stopped, but it just makes me wonder what I saw that made me scream about that fateful night.

Graveyard Shift

Story told by:
Nicolas Nathan

Want to make "easy" money? Now, here's what you have to do.

First, choose a graveyard and pick a spot that is directly underneath a large tree. Next, bring a few bags of salt with you, and a partner. Exactly at the stroke of midnight, sit on the allocated spot and look down, while holding out ur hands with some salt in them. You will soon see "hands" taking the salt from you. At this point, your partner has to hold a large empty bag in front of him/her. The "hands" will place money in them. You must continue this until the first hint of sunlight.

However, there are a few precautions to take. While the whole procedure is being carried out, never, EVER look up to see who the hands belong to. You might just join them. This applies to your partner too. And should you run out of salt, continue staring down, but do not put your hands out anymore. ONLY leave at dawn.

Can you prove it?

The Gambler

Story told by:
Nicolas Nathan

This man loved to gamble, but with his horrible luck, he always lost. His wife was getting fed-up with his gambling habits, always threatening to leave him, putting a big strain on their marriage. So he decided that he went to a bomoh in hopes that his luck would turn around in gambling.

The bomoh told him that whenever he gambled (he played Mahjong) he had to put a coin that had a charm on it underneath his tongue. If he uses the coin, he will win the game , but he can only "makan" or "eat" certain tiles. So after meeting the bomoh, the man went back to gambling.

For 2 years straight, he had never lost a game. He kept winning and winning. Nothing could stop him, so he started to get filthy rich. His wife was happy with his fortune as well and she reconciled with him and their new-found fortune.

The man's life seemed to turn around for him. He was getting richer, and the wife announced one day she was pregnant. He couldn't believe his luck that the coin had given him.

2 weeks away from the wife scheduled to give birth, the man started to feel greedy. The current bet was very high, a shocking 7-figure number. Heeding the warning the bomoh gave to him, he "makan"/"ate" other tiles in the end. The coin underneath his tongue immediately split in half. The man thought "Shit... But oh well at least I win."

The man thought nothing of it until the birth of his child. He was shocked to see that his newly-born daughter was born without a face. She only had a very small slit for a mouth and two small holes for a nose.

Doctors first thought it was just excess skin covering her face and that surgery would regain her facial appearance. But after examination, apparently she really had no face. There was nothing underneath all that skin.

©2009 The Black Book | by TNB